After a hiatus of more than two years, Donald Trump made an Instagram post featuring a weird Photoshopped image of him holding a Liberty Bell.
For his Instagram comeback, the ex-president posted the odd photo along with the following caption: “I am pleased to inform you that, due to the great success of my previously launched DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we are doing it again, SERIES 2, AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW.”

Mr. Trump’s last post was on January 5, 2021, making his comeback to the social networking site about two years in the making.
The 76-year-old promised his fans a “major announcement” in December, and they got digital trading cards showing him dressed as a superhero for $99 (£81).
Mr. Trump declared, “America needs a superhero,” and a brief clip of him in a superhero costume with six-pack abs and lasers coming out of his eyes was posted online.
His supporters quickly bought up all 45,000 of the former president’s NFTs in under 12 hours.
All 45,000 decks apparently sold for $4.45 million (£3.67 million), as stated on the Collect Trump Cards website.
In the past, he had tried to raise money for his run for leadership by selling digital trading cards of himself.
Mr. Trump boasted
Last year, in reference to the NFTs, Mr. Trump boasted, “My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These exclusive playing cards showcase incredible artwork inspired by my life and work. Like baseball cards but presumably more entertaining, Trump Digital Trading Cards can be collected and displayed digitally.
Fans who purchased an image of Trump in cowboy garb had a chance to win a trip for two to Miami and an invitation to a private dinner hosted by Mr. Trump as part of the NFTs’ special awards.
Digital Trading Cards (NFTs) were promoted as “not only a rare collectible but also an automatic entry into sweepstakes for a chance to win 1,000 incredible prizes and meet the one and only #45!” To enter, you need not make a purchase.
His former far-right strategist, Steve Bannon, has even demanded that he cease the posts because of the widespread mockery and “cringe” quality of the cards.
I can’t keep doing this,” he finally admitted. I love the people down at Mar-a-Lago, and he’s one of the greatest presidents ever, but I have to tell you: no matter who his business partner is or who works on his communications staff, we are at war.
It’s high time to fire them.
But the schemes were seen as Mr. Trump’s attempt to raise money in the midst of numerous legal court disputes.
Cards sold on the Collect Trump website were not to benefit Trump’s presidential campaign but rather “NFT INT LLC.”
To quote the company’s own disclaimer: “NFT INT LLC is not owned, managed, or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organisation, CIC Digital LLC, or any of their respective principals or affiliates.”