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TikTok Users Rave About Starbucks’ New Cold Remedy, Endorsed by Nutritionists

Starbucks medicine ball

Startbucks beverages are consistently full-bodied and flavorful. The next time you’re feeling under the weather, you might be able to rely on it. Some TikTok users have asserted that this particular coffee shop serves an exceptional beverage that is essential during the winter cold and flu.

It’s been given the name “The Medicine Ball,” and YouTuber @heytaylorv recommends getting one “as soon as you start feeling unwell” with a cough, sore throat, or congestion.

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In other words, what exactly goes into this super medicine ball beverage? Does it really have all the health benefits that people say it does? Learn more as we delve into this matter.

Green tea, herbal tea, lemonade, and honey come together in Starbucks’ Medicine Ball beverage.

The medicinal properties and tasty flavor of Startbucks‘ medicine ball drink have been praised by TikTok users. Tea bags of Jade Citrus Mint green tea and Peach Tranquility herbal tea, plus water, half a cup of steaming lemonade, honey, and a dash of lemon juice.

Though it’s not on the official menu, it’s become so popular that many Starbucks employees have learned to call it by its customer-created moniker.

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